Day in the Life – Lorna Tarrant, Partner & Creative Director
Tell us about a recent day as Creative Director of Afiniti?
“There is no real routine to my role which is why I enjoy it so much. I get involved in a diverse range of activities that represent my areas of accountability in both client delivery and marketing direction, as well as my partner responsibilities. When possible I like to start work at home after having breakfast with my teenage son, Robbie, which is valuable time I cherish. On this particular day I spent the first hour of the day catching up on client creative requirements and assigning these to the design team before running for the train to get into London for my first set of meetings. I’m lucky, I can do a bit more work on the train journey as it takes 55 minutes. ”
“My first meeting on this particular day was with my sales and marketing team to talk through our business development campaigns and activities, reporting back on key outputs from leadership meetings. These meetings are always good fund and very productive, I really enjoy face-to-face time with the team, they are so enthusiastic and passionate about the work they do.”
“At lunch I quickly took the opportunity to catch up with other colleagues in the office, before going into another meeting, this time a combined face-to-face and Skype meeting with the Partners. This is our monthly meeting and forum when we review our performance and talk through actions, innovations and strategic priorities. I was pleased to present some logo design ideas to support one of our products that we’re currently trademarking.
“Following this meeting I met with the CEO and our marketing manager to talk through some marketing tactics around protecting our IP. Then on to the key event of the day, a celebration with some core team members joining our Partnership when we enjoyed some cake and a glass of bubbly.
“I then grabbed an hour to catch up on emails and review any design work.”
“This was definitely a day of celebrating as a number of us were leaving the office to get ready to go to an Awards evening where we were shortlisted for a change communications award for a project we did with a long standing pharma client. Cocktail dresses on, and off we went to enjoy a wonderful evening celebrating our Award of Excellence with our client.”
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