Equipping a Leading Global Airline to Sustain Business Change

Project Overview
The cargo division of a leading global airline was on the verge of a transformational, technology-driven change to support future growth of their operation. Having invested in a new platform to support higher levels of automation and more efficient operations and activity across the business, our client recognised that this transformation could bring significant levels of change to some roles in a workforce which had largely not experienced significant transformation like this before.
Our client recognised the need for a good understanding of the change impact and for robust planning and delivery of engagement and broader change management activities if change was to be embedded successfully. While good work assessing impact had been done and the culture was open to change, there was a need to put in place and sustain a coherent and consistent approach to business change. We partnered with our client to equip and ready them for the change by: completing an overall impact assessment with a clear and easy to understand heat-map dashboard; developing a key message framework and visual identity; and building an overall change framework (including toolkit and templated plans).

Our Solution
We worked with our client, developing their internal change readiness and ability by:
- Assessing the detailed impact of the change across key roles in all teams and functions, identifying areas most impacted by change and the nature of that change, presenting the findings in a heatmap format.
- Developing a key message framework to enable the programme team to engage key stakeholders and the wider business with a clear, consistent, compelling and coherent vision and messaging.
- On the back of the impact assessment we developed an approach and templated plans for change, including strategy, methodology and toolkit.
- Drawing on the key message framework we developed with the client a visual identity for the programme to bring the vision to life.

The Differences We Made
- Greater clarity for the programme team – about the impact of planned change; what and how the team would engage with the business about the change; and how they would manage the change.
- Identifying key tools, and how they fitted together, to deliver change
- The new-to-role in-house change manager equipped to undertake their role, with clarity about the task and a well-defined approach
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