Thomson Reuters – How a Global Workforce Adapted to It Change

Project Overview
Our client transformed its IT services operating model affecting 50,000 employees. We helped to engage all of them, making it easy to adapt to the new ways of working, wherever they were in the world.
When Thomson merged with Reuters, they created the world’s leading source of intelligent information. This leap meant big changes for the 35,000 employees in its Markets division.
To get ahead, Thompson Reuters brought their IT support back in-house and prepared for major system upgrades. They wanted to keep their people up to date on when this was happening, what they would need to do and how they could access their IT support.
This is a vast organisation whose global employees all rely on excellent IT services. The work presented significant challenges, but they were ones we tackled head on, through IT change management techniques and communications.

Our Solution
We established a communications hub, globally recognised, which would drive the communications and engagement plan.
Powerful Branding
We harnessed the client’s simple, but effective branding and positioned the ‘new world’ IT services as one team committed to deliver a simpler, faster and better IT service.
Leadership Toolkits
To exploit the power of great leadership communications, we created professional toolkits. This meant that leaders had easy access to the latest information to share with their teams.
Firm Governance
We provided water-tight governance across many work-streams ensuring all communications were delivered on time and on message.

The Differences We Made
We delivered our promises before handing seamlessly back to the internal communications resource.
We delivered our communications on time and on message, resulting in a high level of user cooperation and response.
Lasting relationships
Through regular forums and town halls, we built people’s trust in the ‘new world’ IT services, forming strong and lasting relationships between the function and its key stakeholders across the organisation.
Messaging people believed in
Our focus on strong and consistent branding for the function’s communications paid off with high levels of recognition and trust for the transformed IT services.
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