Can Mlearning Work for Business Change?
You have a smart-phone, right? Maybe more than one. A tablet? iPad, Nexus, Galaxy Note, Surface? If so, you’re carrying a potent mLearning tool.
The learning benchmarking organisation, Towards Maturity, has reported that 39% of the organisations they track are using mobile learning in some way, and 76% expect to adopt in the next two years.
Faced with a situation you haven’t experienced before, rather than trying to retrieve a dim memory from a day-long training course last year, how about being able to call up specific modular training? How about being able to see videos, demonstrations, guidance relating to the exact scenario you’re dealing with now?
Learning when and where you want
Outside of work, people are relying more and more on these “as you need it” guides – look at the number of YouTube videos for make-up tips, recipes, or how to tie a bow-tie.
People like being able to call up help as and when it’s most needed. If that’s how people choose to learn outside the work environment, then it follows that the same approach could work well in professional context.
Making it work for business
We’ve seen it work well on a project to deploy iPhones throughout a large organisation. Device based learning materials can be very interactive and multi-functional, for example, the electronic quick reference guide created to support the deployment, was searchable and structured into task-based topics.
A commonly cited drawback of classroom training is that it often relies on artificial or unrealistic scenarios. Mobile learning or mLearning allows quick field-based development of learning, based on real situations in the field. This means the learning can be more closely aligned to the practical reality, which lends credibility as well as being more aligned to the learner’s requirement.
Here are some ways it can have an impact:
Maximising mobile devices for learning
Mobile learning or mLearning can empower the user with access to any-time learning they can customise through downloading apps. It can work through:
- Tailored push notifications
- Modular content
- Apps developed with additional video and links to other resources
- Apps for collaborative tools that can be accessed via mobile devices enabling learners and L&D people to communicate about specific issues.
As with all training solutions, mLearning is not a silver bullet. Classroom training, self-directed learning and eLearning all have important roles to play. The trick is to pick the right horse for the right course.
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